Who We Are

The partnerships and synergies for sharing ideas and sources, with Organizations, Authorities, NGOs, private and public bodies and Citizens’ Society, interested in social action and responsibility, based on the principals of social participation, social justice and transparency,  are constitute the philosophy of the Association, since its establishment until today

Our Partners
    Ministry of Justice, Transparency and Human Rights
    Ministry of Culture, Education and Religion Affairs
    Ministry of Macedonia- Thrace
    Ceneral Secretary of Youth
    Thermaikos Municipality
    Thermi Municipality
    Thessaloniki Municipality
    Neapolis Sykeon Municipality
    Ampelokipon- Menemenis Municipality
    Pylaias Hortiati Municipality
    Aristotles University of Thessaloniki
    Makedonia University
    Enfants de Salonique , Swiss
    Bar Association of Thessaloniki
    Hellenic Food Authority
    Thessaloniki Chamber of Commerce and Industry
    OPAP S.A.
    Institut français de Thessalonique
    Bodossaki Foundation
    Development Agency of Eastern Thessaloniki Local Authorities, ANATOLIKI S.A.
    Pan-Hellenic Philanthropic Association «BREAD & ACTION»
    Prevention Center “PYXIDA”
    KETHEA Therapy Center for Dependent Individuals
    Diktio Alpha  Center for addiction prevention and promotion of psychosocial health in Western Thessaloniki
    «Seirios Center of Prevention
    Cultural educational Group “Sxedia stin Poli”
    Gestalt Foundation of Thessaloniki
    Group Play Βack, Theater T!NG
    “Melissa” Institution of Child and Adolescent Girls Protection
    Refugee Reception Centre of Thessaloniki
    PAPAFIO Institution of Thessaloniki
    “Faros of the Word”, Center of Minors Protection
    Hellenic Commerce Development Center K.A.EL.E
    IWOG, Union Aliens and other Nationalities Women Thessaloniki
YWCA of Thessaloniki
    Cultural Association "Odysseas"
    «Savior»
    Anatolia College of Thessaloniki
    SOS Children's Village of Thessaloniki
    «Olympiades»
    Organization of Urban Transportation of Thessaloniki
    Association of OASTH Workers
    Mandoulides Schools of Thessaloniki
    Vassiliadis Schools of Thessaloniki
    SQUID School of Thessaloniki
    «AISEC»
    ICT College of Thessaloniki



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Αμβροσίου 5, 2ος όροφος Τ.Κ. 546 30, Θεσσαλονίκη

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