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“Volunteering is the ultimate exercise in democracy.  You vote in elections once a year, but when you volunteer, you vote every day about the kind of community you want to live in”
 Author Unknown

Volunteering is a personal decision for participation and action, undertaken by free will, in an organized, group or individual effort, aimed at contributing to the improvement of community living and operating conditions, well as to sustainable human relations development
 Volunteering, which in recent years is getting stronger, is essentially a form of social action and expression of human values, which are associated with the mature understanding and the in conscious choice of creative human relations, solidarity and interdependence,  for the operation of sustainable communities with growth and participation of all.
Volunteering is a framework in which human may cultivate and release his creativity, combining her with his skills and interests, while participating with other people in an organized effort, promoting  social changes and  proposing innovative solutions, in addressing social gaps and needs of specific population groups. Volunteering is creating the conditions for a participatory response to common human challenges for the promotion of the common social welfare.
 Volunteering, among others, offers people the experience of collective action through a process of continuous development, maturation and personal fulfillment.

The basic principles of volunteer work advocated by the Association are:
•    Voluntary work based on personal motivations, interests and choices of volunteers, which are incorporated in the provision of voluntary services in connection with the activities and needs of the Association.
•    Various forms of voluntary work is equally accessible to all, regardless of race, religion, political opinion, sexual orientation and social or economic status.
•    The provision of voluntary work is underlying by an ethical code, to which both sides bound
•    Voluntary work responds and gives priority to the needs of society by promoting the common welfare.
•    Voluntary work promotes and is based on free will, social participation, initiative, creativity, respect and sense of personal and social responsibility.

According to the above the Association:
•    Is a voluntary organization that relies on volunteers and voluntary work.
•    Provides and supports volunteers with all available resources and means in order they operate effectively in their work.
•    It also provides volunteers’ training and supervision, for their empowerment and emotional support, recognizing the importance of volunteer’s self-improvement.
•    It is an organization open to the participation of its volunteers in decision making process, integrating a participatory operation model for the groups’ of volunteers and professionals’ administration
•    New members are always heartily accepted and supported to familiarize themselves with the requirements of the work.. Voluntary work is always ethically recognized

The Volunteer:
•    Recognize and respect the responsibilities of voluntary work and provide their work with free will.
•    Cooperate with the competent bodies of the Association, with the aim of effective and functional integration and use of their skills, as part of the Association's objectives
•    Comply with the principles and rules of conduct of the Association and act in these principles.
•    Participate in all coordination, training and supervision procedures, organized by the Association, to support volunteers’ development
•    Volunteers are sharing and willing to support the aims and the ethics of volunteering and outside the Association.


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