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New Volunteer registration
The Association owes his work, to the commitment and support of his volunteers. Volunteers are the driving force and the Association’s inspiration, co forming, with their ideas and personality, Association’s social action.
Most of 45 active volunteers make the difference, enriching our joint effort
Sincerely yours,
Katerina FLORA-Ioannou
President of the Association of Friends and Volunteers
of Society of Minors Protection of Thessaloniki.

New Volunteer Application Form
Thank you very much for your interest to join our work and our volunteers’ team.
Please, complete the attached New Volunteer Application Form and send it by email, in order to contact directly with you for an introductory meeting: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Download the form:
Δελτίο - Αίτηση Νέου Εθελοντή  pdf


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0030 2310-811078
Αμβροσίου 5, 2ος όροφος Τ.Κ. 546 30, Θεσσαλονίκη

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